Source code for ectopylasm.geometry

"""Calculations on shapes and vectors."""

import logging
import dataclasses
import typing
import enum

import numpy as np
import sympy as sy
import tqdm

import scipy.optimize as opt
import symfit as sf

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('ectopylasm.geometry')

[docs]def normalize_vector(vector): """Input `vector` divided by its absolute size yields a vector of size 1.""" norm = np.linalg.norm(vector) if norm == 0.: raise ZeroDivisionError("A zero vector cannot be normalized") return vector / norm
[docs]def angle_between_two_vectors(a, b): """ Calculate the angle in radians between two vectors `a` and `b`. Implementation credits to """ a_n = normalize_vector(a) b_n = normalize_vector(b) return np.arccos(np.clip(, b_n), -1.0, 1.0))
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Point: """A three dimensional point with x, y and z components.""" x: float y: float z: float
[docs] def to_array(self): """Convert to a NumPy array `np.array((x, y, z))`.""" return np.array((self.x, self.y, self.z))
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Plane: """ A plane. The plane is defined by four parameters, a, b, c and d, which form the plane equation a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0. Points (x, y, z) for which this equation applies are points on the plane. On creation, the input parameters a, b and c are normalized. When seen as a vector n = (a, b, c), n is the normal vector to the plane, indicating its direction. This vector is normalized to have length one. The fourth parameter d relates to the position of the plane in space. It can be calculated from a known point in the plane (X, Y, Z) as d = -a*X - b*Y - c*Z, but can also be given directly. """ a: float b: float c: float d: float def __init__(self, a, b, c, d): """ Construct the plane, taking the four plane parameters as input. Normalizes a, b and c so that the vector n = (a, b, c) has length 1. """ a, b, c = normalize_vector((a, b, c)) object.__setattr__(self, 'a', a) object.__setattr__(self, 'b', b) object.__setattr__(self, 'c', c) object.__setattr__(self, 'd', d)
[docs] @staticmethod def d_from_point(point, normal): """Calculate d factor in plane equation ax + by + cz + d = 0.""" return -(point[0] * normal[0] + point[1] * normal[1] + point[2] * normal[2])
[docs] @classmethod def from_point(cls, a, b, c, point): """Plane constructor that uses a point on the plane as input instead of d.""" a, b, c = normalize_vector((a, b, c)) return cls(a, b, c, cls.d_from_point(point, (a, b, c)))
[docs] @classmethod def from_fit_result(cls, fit_result): """Generate a Plane from `fit_result`, the output of `fit.fit_plane`.""" return cls(fit_result.params['a'], fit_result.params['b'], fit_result.params['c'], fit_result.params['d'])
[docs] @classmethod def from_points(cls, points): """ Generate a Plane by fitting to a set of points. The set of N point coordinates with shape (3, N) is given by `points`. """ return cls.from_fit_result(fit_plane(points))
[docs] def generate_point(self): """ Generate a point in the plane. Calculate a point in the plane based on d at x,y=0,0 (could be anywhere); -cz = ax + by + d. If c happens to be zero, try x,z=0,0, and if b is zero as well, do y,z=0,0. """ if self.c != 0: return (0, 0, -self.d / self.c) elif self.b != 0: return (0, -self.d / self.b, 0) else: return (-self.d / self.a, 0, 0)
[docs]class PlaneSurfaceLimitException(RuntimeError): """Raised by plane_surface when the given limits are invalid.""" pass
[docs]class PlaneSurfaceNormalException(RuntimeError): """Raised by plane_surface when the normal is not compatible with the limits.""" pass
[docs]def plane_surface(plane: Plane, x_lim=None, y_lim=None, z_lim=None): """ Get plane surface coordinates. Calculate coordinates of the part of a plane inside a cubical box. Two of the limited parameters are used to calculate the coordinates in the third direction. Note that the first number in the pairs must be smaller than the second! You only need to provide two pairs of coordinates, so only two of x_lim, y_lim and z_lim need to be defined. When all three are defined, the default is to use the x and y pairs. This option to choose is useful when you have a plane that has a zero normal component in one of the directions. In that case, you cannot use the limits in that direction, because the plane coordinates will involve a division by that normal component (which would give a division by zero error). plane: a Plane object x_lim: iterable of the two extrema in the x direction. Default: None. y_lim: same as x, but for y z_lim: same as x, but for z limit_all: see explanation above. Default: False. """ if (x_lim is not None) + (y_lim is not None) + (z_lim is not None) < 2: raise PlaneSurfaceLimitException("Two or three `_lim` kwargs must not be `None`.") if plane.c != 0 and x_lim is not None and y_lim is not None: # get box limits in two dimensions x, y = np.meshgrid(x_lim, y_lim) # find corresponding z coordinates z = -(plane.a * x + plane.b * y + plane.d) / plane.c elif plane.b != 0 and x_lim is not None and z_lim is not None: # get box limits in two dimensions x, z = np.meshgrid(x_lim, z_lim) # find corresponding y coordinates y = -(plane.a * x + plane.c * z + plane.d) / plane.b elif plane.a != 0 and y_lim is not None and z_lim is not None: y, z = np.meshgrid(y_lim, z_lim) # find corresponding x coordinates x = -(plane.b * y + plane.c * z + plane.d) / plane.a else: raise PlaneSurfaceNormalException("Invalid combination of `_lim` kwargs and plane parameters; normal components must not be zero in the direction in which the limits are not provided.") return x, y, z
[docs]def thick_plane_points(plane: Plane, thickness, plane_point=None): """ Convert plane point to two thick plane points. Given a Plane and a thickness, return two points along the normal that are `thickness` apart. Optionally specify a specific point in the plane. """ if plane_point is None: plane_point = plane.generate_point() point_1 = (plane_point[0] + 0.5 * thickness * plane.a, plane_point[1] + 0.5 * thickness * plane.b, plane_point[2] + 0.5 * thickness * plane.c) point_2 = (plane_point[0] - 0.5 * thickness * plane.a, plane_point[1] - 0.5 * thickness * plane.b, plane_point[2] - 0.5 * thickness * plane.c) return point_1, point_2
[docs]def thick_plane_planes(plane: Plane, thickness): """Convert plane to two planes separated by thickness.""" plane_point_1, plane_point_2 = thick_plane_points(plane, thickness) plane_1 = Plane.from_point(plane.a, plane.b, plane.c, plane_point_1) plane_2 = Plane.from_point(plane.a, plane.b, plane.c, plane_point_2) return plane_1, plane_2
[docs]def point_distance_to_plane(point, plane: Plane): """ Get signed distance of point to plane. The sign of the resulting distance tells you whether the point is in the same or the opposite direction of the plane normal vector. point: an iterable of length 3 representing a point in 3D space plane: a Plane object """ # from # N.B.: no need to divide by ||(a,b,c)||, since that is always 1 return plane.a * point[0] + plane.b * point[1] + plane.c * point[2] + plane.d
[docs]def filter_points_plane(points_xyz, plane: Plane, plane_thickness): """ Select the points that are within the thick plane. points_xyz: a vector of shape (3, N) representing N points in 3D space plane: a Plane object plane_thickness: the thickness of the plane (the distance between the two composing planes) """ plane_1, plane_2 = thick_plane_planes(plane, plane_thickness) p_filtered = [] for p_i in points_xyz.T: distance_1 = point_distance_to_plane(p_i, plane_1) distance_2 = point_distance_to_plane(p_i, plane_2) if abs(distance_1) <= plane_thickness and abs(distance_2) <= plane_thickness: p_filtered.append(p_i) return p_filtered
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Cone: """ A cone. The cone is defined mainly by its `height` and `radius`. When the other parameters are left at their default values, this will produce a cone with its axis along the z-axis and the center of its circular base at position (x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0). Three optional parameters define its location and orientation: two rotation parameters `rot_x` and `rot_y`, giving respectively rotations around the x and y axes (the x rotation is performed first, then the y rotation) and one translation parameter called `base_pos`, which itself is a `Point` object, and which moves the position of the circular base of the cone. """ height: float radius: float rot_x: float = dataclasses.field(default=2 * np.pi, metadata={'unit': 'radians'}) rot_y: float = dataclasses.field(default=2 * np.pi, metadata={'unit': 'radians'}) base_pos: Point = Point(0, 0, 0)
[docs] def axis(self): """Get the cone's axis unit vector from its rotation angles (radians).""" # z-unit vector (0, 0, 1) rotated twice cone_axis = (0, -np.sin(self.rot_x), np.cos(self.rot_x)) # rotation around x-axis cone_axis = np.array((np.sin(self.rot_y) * cone_axis[2], cone_axis[1], np.cos(self.rot_y) * cone_axis[2])) # around y return cone_axis
[docs] def apex_position(self): """Get cone apex position from cone parameters.""" return self.base_pos.to_array() + self.axis() * self.height
[docs] def opening_angle(self): """Twice the opening angle is the maximum angle between directrices.""" return np.arctan(self.radius / self.height)
[docs] @classmethod def from_fit_result(cls, fit_result): """Generate a Cone from `fit_result`, the output of `fit.fit_cone`.""" return cls(*fit_result['x'][:4], base_pos=Point(*fit_result['x'][4:]))
[docs] @classmethod def from_points(cls, points, **kwargs): """ Generate a Cone by fitting to a set of points. The set of N point coordinates with shape (3, N) is given by `points`. """ return cls.from_fit_result(fit_cone(points, **kwargs))
[docs]def cone_sympy_model(cone: Cone): """ Convert `cone` to a sympy based cone model. Returns the model (first return value) and a dictionary with constituent symbols. """ height, radius, u_param, theta_param = sy.symbols('height, radius, u_param, theta_param') # column vector for the non-rotated, non-translated parameterized cone surface equation cone_eqn = sy.Matrix([(height - u_param) / height * radius * sy.cos(theta_param), (height - u_param) / height * radius * sy.sin(theta_param), u_param]) base_pos_vec = sy.Matrix([cone.base_pos.x, cone.base_pos.y, cone.base_pos.z]) # rotation matrices R_x and R_y r_x = sy.Matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, sy.cos(cone.rot_x), -sy.sin(cone.rot_x)], [0, sy.sin(cone.rot_x), sy.cos(cone.rot_x)]]) r_y = sy.Matrix([[sy.cos(cone.rot_y), 0, sy.sin(cone.rot_y)], [0, 1, 0], [-sy.sin(cone.rot_y), 0, sy.cos(cone.rot_y)]]) cone_rot_trans = r_y @ (r_x @ cone_eqn) + base_pos_vec return cone_rot_trans, {'height': height, 'radius': radius, 'u_param': u_param, 'theta_param': theta_param}
[docs]def cone_surface(cone: Cone, n_steps=20): """ Calculate coordinates of the surface of a cone. cone: a Cone object n_steps: number of steps in the parametric range used for drawing (more gives a smoother surface, but may render more slowly) """ cone_model, cone_symbols = cone_sympy_model(cone) # get box limits in two dimensions u_steps = np.linspace(0, cone.height, n_steps) theta_steps = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n_steps) u_array, theta_array = np.meshgrid(u_steps, theta_steps) # find corresponding y coordinates x, y, z = [], [], [] for u_i, theta_i in zip(u_array.flatten(), theta_array.flatten()): subs = {cone_symbols['height']: cone.height, cone_symbols['radius']: cone.radius, cone_symbols['u_param']: u_i, cone_symbols['theta_param']: theta_i} xyz = np.array(cone_model.evalf(subs=subs).tolist()).astype(np.float64) x.append(xyz[0]) y.append(xyz[1]) z.append(xyz[2]) return (np.array(x).reshape(u_array.shape), np.array(y).reshape(u_array.shape), np.array(z).reshape(u_array.shape))
[docs]def thick_cone_base_positions(cone: Cone, thickness): """ Convert cone base position to two thick cone base positions. Given the cone parameters, return two base positions along the cone axis that are a certain distance apart, such that the distance between the cone surfaces (the directrices) is `thickness` apart. cone: a Cone object thickness: distance between the two cone surfaces (i.e. their directrices) """ thickness = abs(thickness) # trigonometry: base_distance = (thickness / cone.radius * cone.height * np.sqrt(1 + cone.radius**2 / cone.height**2)) cone_axis = cone.axis() base_pos_bottom = cone.base_pos.to_array() - cone_axis * 0.5 * base_distance base_pos_top = cone.base_pos.to_array() + cone_axis * 0.5 * base_distance return base_pos_bottom, base_pos_top
[docs]def thick_cone_cones(cone: Cone, thickness) -> typing.Tuple[Cone, Cone]: """ Convert one Cone to two cones separated by `thickness`. Given the cone parameters, return two cones, such that the distance between the cone surfaces (the directrices) is `thickness` apart. cone: a Cone object thickness: distance between the two cone surfaces (i.e. their directrices) """ base_pos_bottom, base_pos_top = thick_cone_base_positions(cone, thickness) cone_bottom = Cone(cone.height, cone.radius, rot_x=cone.rot_x, rot_y=cone.rot_y, base_pos=Point(*base_pos_bottom)) cone_top = Cone(cone.height, cone.radius, rot_x=cone.rot_x, rot_y=cone.rot_y, base_pos=Point(*base_pos_top)) return cone_bottom, cone_top
[docs]class ConeRegion(enum.Enum): """ Class defining three regions in and around cones. These regions are used in point_distance_to_cone to pass on information about which kind of region the point is in. This can be used in other functions (like filter_points_cone). The three options are: - perpendicular: the point is at a location where its shortest distance to the cone surface is perpendicular to that surface - above_apex: the point is somewhere above the apex of the cone, but not perpendicular to the surface - below_directrix: the point is not perpendicular to the surface and it is below the directrix """ perpendicular = enum. auto() above_apex = below_directrix =
[docs]def point_distance_to_cone(point, cone: Cone, return_extra=False): """ Get distance of point to cone. Check whether for a point `point`, the shortest path to the cone is perpendicular to the cone surface (and if so, return it). If not, it is either "above" the apex and the shortest path is simply the line straight to the apex, or it is "below" the base, and the shortest path is the shortest path to the directrix (the base circle). This function returns a second value depending on which of the three above cases is true for point `point`. If we're using the perpendicular, it is True, if we're above the apex it is False and if it is below the base, it is None. Extra values can be returned to be reused outside the function by setting return_extra to True. """ cone_axis = cone.axis() apex_pos = cone.apex_position() point_apex_vec = np.array(point) - apex_pos point_apex_angle = np.pi - angle_between_two_vectors(cone_axis, point_apex_vec) opening_angle = cone.opening_angle() # for the second conditional, we need the length of the component of the # difference vector between P and apex along the closest generatrix point_apex_generatrix_angle = point_apex_angle - opening_angle point_apex_distance = np.sqrt(np.sum(point_apex_vec**2)) point_apex_generatrix_component = point_apex_distance * np.cos(point_apex_generatrix_angle) generatrix_length = np.sqrt(cone.radius**2 + cone.height**2) returnees = {} if return_extra: returnees['opening_angle'] = opening_angle returnees['point_apex_angle'] = point_apex_angle if point_apex_angle > opening_angle + np.pi / 2: # "above" the apex return point_apex_distance, ConeRegion.above_apex, returnees elif point_apex_generatrix_component > generatrix_length: # "below" the directrix # use cosine rule to find length of third side return (np.sqrt(point_apex_distance**2 + generatrix_length**2 - 2 * point_apex_distance * generatrix_length * np.cos(point_apex_generatrix_angle)), ConeRegion.below_directrix, returnees) else: # "perpendicular" to a generatrix return (point_apex_distance * np.sin(point_apex_generatrix_angle), ConeRegion.perpendicular, returnees)
[docs]def filter_points_cone(points_xyz, cone: Cone, thickness): """ Select the points that are within the thick cone. points_xyz: a vector of shape (3, N) representing N points in 3D space cone: a Cone object thickness: distance between the two cone surfaces (i.e. their directrices) """ cone_bottom, cone_top = thick_cone_cones(cone, thickness) p_filtered = [] for p_i in tqdm.tqdm(points_xyz.T): d_cone_bottom, flag_cone_bottom, vals_bottom = point_distance_to_cone(p_i, cone_bottom, return_extra=True) d_cone_top, flag_cone_top, _ = point_distance_to_cone(p_i, cone_top, return_extra=True) if flag_cone_top is ConeRegion.above_apex or flag_cone_bottom is ConeRegion.below_directrix: # it is definitely outside of the cones' range LOGGER.debug("case 1: %s was ignored", p_i) elif flag_cone_bottom is ConeRegion.above_apex: # the first condition is logically enclosed in the second, but the # first is faster and already covers a large part of the cases/volume: if abs(d_cone_bottom) <= thickness or \ abs(d_cone_bottom) <= (thickness / np.cos(vals_bottom['point_apex_angle'] - vals_bottom['opening_angle'] - np.pi / 2)): p_filtered.append(p_i) LOGGER.debug("case 2: %s was added", p_i) else: LOGGER.debug("case 3: %s was ignored", p_i) elif abs(d_cone_bottom) <= thickness and abs(d_cone_top) <= thickness: p_filtered.append(p_i) LOGGER.debug("case 4: %s was added", p_i) else: LOGGER.debug("case 5: %s was ignored", p_i) return p_filtered
# Fitting
[docs]def fit_plane(xyz): """ Fit a plane to the point coordinates in xyz. Dev note: An alternative implementation is possible that omits the `f` variable, and thus has one fewer degree of freedom. This means the fit is easier and maybe more precise. This could be tested. The notebook req4.1_fit_plane.ipynb in the explore repository ( has some notes on this. The problem with those models where f is just zero and the named symfit model is created for one of x, y or z instead is that you have to divide by one of the a, b or c parameters respectively. If one of these turns out to be zero, symfit will not find a fit. A solution would be to actually create three models and try another if one of them fails to converge. """ a, b, c, d = sf.parameters('a, b, c, d') x, y, z, f = sf.variables('x, y, z, f') plane_model = {f: x * a + y * b + z * c + d} plane_fit = sf.Fit(plane_model, x=xyz[0], y=xyz[1], z=xyz[2], f=np.zeros_like(xyz[0]), constraints=[sf.Equality(a**2 + b**2 + c**2, 1)]) # keep plane normal a unit vector plane_fit_result = plane_fit.execute() return plane_fit_result
[docs]def fit_cone(xyz, initial_guess_cone: Cone = None): """ Fit a cone to the point coordinates in xyz. Dev note: this fit is implemented with scipy instead of symfit. See for the problem with using symfit for this one. """ def loss_function(parameters, xyz): cone = Cone(*parameters[:4], base_pos=Point(*parameters[4:])) distances = np.array([point_distance_to_cone(point, cone)[0] for point in xyz.T]) return np.sum(distances**2) if initial_guess_cone is None: initial_guess = (1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) else: initial_guess = (initial_guess_cone.height, initial_guess_cone.radius, initial_guess_cone.rot_x, initial_guess_cone.rot_y, initial_guess_cone.base_pos.x, initial_guess_cone.base_pos.y, initial_guess_cone.base_pos.z) result = opt.minimize(loss_function, initial_guess, args=(xyz,)) return result